The RSG Day
Our curriculum balances a planned educational programme with spontaneous, child-initiated activities. We both take our lead from the children’s interests and build on their abilities.
Activities are planned and organised around the EYFS seven areas of learning and CEL. As well as teacher-led activities, children are given opportunities to choose the activities in which they wish to participate. We encourage sustained, uninterrupted periods of self-motivated play, allowing and enabling children to explore, experiment and think for themselves.

Together Time
An important start to the RSG day, children and teachers greet each other, sing hello, share news and discuss the day.

Circle Time
This is when all the children and team come together, often at the end of the day. It may include songs, games, phonics, maths, showings of work, birthday celebrations and festivals.

Story Time
A quiet group time, at which the children are read or told a story – often brought to life with props.

Lunch & Snack Time
These are important social occasions – opportunities for relaxed conversation and enjoyable social interaction. Children take it in turns to help prepare snack and set the tables.

Group Time
The part of the day in which small groups of children work together on teacher-led activities which have been planned specially for them. Group times often link to the curriculum focus of the week.

Outdoor Time
Children spend a good deal of the day outside, in all weathers. Amongst other things, they climb, cycle, plant, dig, explore wildlife and cook in the mud kitchen.

Dance is taught weekly, according to the principles of Rudolf Laban, pioneer of Modern Educational Dance. It develops children’s physical skills and spatial awareness and gives them a way to express feelings and thoughts which they can’t always put into words.

Forest School
The older children go on Forest school sessions in small groups. Forest school gives children the opportunity to learn about the natural world through observation, exploration and experimentation and enables them to take risks in a safe environment.

Outings are a valuable learning experience and an integral part of the RSG educational programme. They often reflect the children’s current interests; for example, a trip to the station may be planned for a group who share a fascination with trains and railways.

Cooking with children is an essential component of the RSG curriculum. Preparing and cooking food to eat is a wide and deep educational process for children. It teaches children mathematics, comprehension, problem-solving, planning and basic chemistry. It also teaches children to be safe in an inherently dangerous environment – the kitchen.